Parking in Ridgely’s

What is Residential Permit Parking (RPP)?

The Baltimore RPP Program was created to address the specific needs of residents in city neighborhoods where the demand for on-street parking was considered to be greatest. Ridgely’s Delight participates in this program and is designated as Area 5 in the RPP program.

Most of the on-street parking in Ridgely’s Delight is restricted to Area 5 Residential Permit Parking.  Area 5 signs show which parking spots are affected and for which time periods.  

Virtual Permit Parking (VPP)

VPP eliminates the need for physical permits or decals to be displayed on a car windshield or dashboard. Parking enforcement agents scan the vehicle's tag with electronic scanners to ensure that a car is registered for either a permit or guest pass. Community members are able to verify that a car is legally parked by entering the car’s tag number at  More information on VPP can be found at  

Virtual parking passes and guest passes can be purchased and controlled by creating an account at or by downloading the PermitConnect Baltimore app. The credential cycle for Area 5 runs from September through August.

If you have questions or need assistance, there are videos online at or by calling 866-412-2827 at any time. There are also answers to Frequently Asked Questions at

Street Sweeping Signs

The city normally has a mechanical street sweeping program designed to reduce trash on our streets and pollution and waste washing into our urban streams and harbor. THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN SUSPENDED SINCE THE COVID PANDEMIC and will restart (hopefully) at some future date. In the meantime, disreguard street sweeping restrictions.

Ridgely’s Delight 2019 Parking Authority Study

In the late fall of 2018, the Parking Authority of Baltimore City (PABC) received a request from Councilman Eric Costello’s Office, in coordination with the Ridgely’s Delight neighborhood, to conduct a parking study. Our neighborhood has some unique characteristics that make it an interesting case study. For example, it is located next to a number of facilities that generate a lot of demand for parking, including Camden Yards and the University of Maryland Medical Center; many of the narrow rowhouse-lined streets are one-way and only include parking on one side; and much of the on-street parking is regulated through the Residential Parking Permit program. The study was designed to determine the supply and demand of parking in the neighborhood, assess the appropriateness of current regulations, and present possible options moving forward. The need for the study was underscored by the upcoming Virtual Permit Parking pilot program, which is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2020. The results of the study can be found here.