Ridgely’s Record
Ridgely’s Delight Association (RDA) community meeting canceled
The monthly meetings for June have been canceled. Check our website, and follow Ridgely’s Delight on Facebook for updates on future meetings.
June Street Sweeping Dates
Street sweeping has been canceled until further notice. If you’re able to help, please take a moment and clean in front of your house.
Trash is picked up every Wednesday.
Recycling is picked up every Friday.
Residential parking permit renewal
Area 5 residential parking decals and guest passes, while originally scheduled to be renewed in June, will remain in effect until further notice. The Parking Authority of Baltimore City (PABC) will notify us when they are to be renewed.
Because our neighborhood is a pilot site for the new Virtual Parking Permit (VPP) program, when we do renew our permits and guest passes, we will do so online and not receive paper decals and guest passes. Parking enforcement officers will have equipment that allows them to read tag numbers as they come through the neighborhood to ensure that a vehicle is registered for a virtual permit or virtual guest pass.
Prior to permit renewal you will receive a detailed explanation of VPP from PABC. You can contact Deb O’Neill, who is a member of the RDA Parking Committee, at doneill1952@comcast.net if you have questions.
Household hazardous waste drop-off
Baltimore City Department of Public Works Acting Director Matthew W. Garbark has announced that the household hazardous waste drop-off event will be on Friday and Saturday, June 5 and 6. The event will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on both days at the Sisson Street Drop-Off Center, located at 2840 Sisson Street.
Sign up to recieve the Ridgely’s Record online
COVID-19 has made it difficult to print and distribute the neighborhood newsletter. Register online and have an electronic version of the Record sent to your email address each month.
Don’t forget to complete the 2020 Census
Responding to the census is not only your civic duty; it also affects the amount of funding our community receives, how our community plans for the future, and our representation in government. Specifically, data from the 2020 Census are used to:
- Ensure public services and funding for schools, hospitals, and fire departments.
- Plan new homes and businesses and improve neighborhoods.
- Determine how many seats your state is allocatedin the House of Representatives.
Looking for things to do while you’re housebound?
SCRAP Baltimore in Pigtown is selling SCRAP To-Go Kits. These kits are full of materials that could become most anything for someone with creativity and imagination. When you finish one project, stuff everything back in the container for another day. Go to scrap-b-more.square.site
Baltimore City Rec and Parks has created a virtual Rec Center with all kinds of activities for kids and those of us that wish we were still kids. Visit bcrp.baltimorecity.gov/virtual-rec
Renovation reminders
All home improvement renovation work requires a Baltimore City permit. Additionally, Ridgely’s Delight is a historic neighborhood in a CHAP district and exterior work on your home requires CHAP approval prior to the start of any renovation. To review the guidelines, please visit chap.baltimorecity.gov. You may also contact the chair of the neighborhood architectural review committee with any renovation related questions: arc@ridgelysdelight.org.