January 2025 Board Meeting
1. Welcome to new board members Julia Dumont & James Wright
2. Committee Assignments – required by Bylaws:
a. Finance Committee – description read from Bylaws
i. Julia Lebherz – chairman of committee
ii. Deb O’Neil
iii. Cynthia Meekins
iv. Billy Hufnell – Treasurer
b. Nominating Committee – description read from Bylaws, five (5) voiting members – 2 nominated by President and Past President; 2 nominated by Board. President is on committee but is non-voting.
Nicole Dungee, as President nominated Sharon Reuter & Susan Clayton.
Two additional members to be elected at the next Board Meeting
c. Architectural Review Committee – description read from Bylaws
Registry of Records mentioned in Bylaws is accomplished by publishing decisions in Community and Board meeting minutes.
Results of the reviews are recorded with the City through recommendations, etc. Chairpersons will send list of current members to President – to be reviewed at next Board meeting.
Current structure has worked for several years. 9 current members.
CHAP guidelines should also be reviewed.
d. Membership Committee – should we continue to have this committee – yes. For promoting Association and recruiting participation. Keep social gatherings, holiday party, etc. Purpose of committee should be further documented.
Nicole Dungee nominated:
i. Bill Reuter
ii. Maia Tatinclaux
iii. Gerri Smalley
iv. Nicole Dungee
Bill, Maia, and Gerri accepted nomination
Bill Reuter to send Nicole Dungee a description of committee and cc: other committee members.
3. Other Comments in general about committees
a. Nicole Dungee stated that each committee should provide an update at each Board meeting.
b. Bill Reuter would like committee members to be posted on website as soon as possible
4. Committees not required by Bylaws –
a. Safety Committee – motion to continue
i. Linda Smith – chairman
ii. Maia Tatinclaux – Cop Walk
iii. Cabel has participated in past
iv. Larry may want to participate
b. Parking Committee – work with city regarding parking, dealing with complaints and enforcement
i. Gerry Smalley – chairman
Gerri to send description to Nicole and Board members.
c. Maintenance (previously Beautification) Committee – projects to improve condition and visual appearance of common elements of neighborhood. Inventory of projects and efforts to obtain grant money for these projects.
i. Julia Dumont – chariman
Julia to send description to Nicole & Board members – for further discussion at next Board meeting.
d. Student Committee – to have activities specific to students, such as graduation party, student happy hour, etc.
i. Syrus Ravazi – chairman
Bill Reuter asked Syrus Ravazi to join membership committee.
Syrus Ravazi is going to plan an event or two, like student nights at Pickles, etc.
5. Newsletter – how often should we distribute paper copies to neighborhood?
a. Bill Reuter stated that it takes a few more days to provide a paper copy because of the time to get the newsletter printed and distributed. $75-$100 per distribution.
b. Currently distributing paper copy quarterly.
c. Several members presented reasons to increase distribution to monthly
d. Association has funds that would support monthly distribution, and this should be reviewed in the next budget and approved by community.
e. Board approved distributing monthly – president, Bill Reuter and Si Saulynas abstained. f. Contributions for February newsletter should be sent to Bill Reuter, as soon as possible, He and Paul Robeson will coordinate distribution to neighborhood.
6. Discussion of Use of Email by Board to Discuss Matters
a. Maia Tatinclaux stated that email is a great too for coordination, but we should meet for actual discussion. There’s been criticism in the past.
b. Paul stated that Bylaws were updated to specify that voting can only occur at meetings and not by email
7. Gala – Bobby Goodfellow organized previous Galas – do we want to and are we able to do the Gala this year?
a. Billy Hufnell offered to coordinate the Gala this year in honor of Bobby.
b. Bill Reuter stated that Gala helps with promoting neighborhood – he will help Billy.
c. Gala is fundraiser for Association
8. $10,000 Award from Councilwoman’s Office
a. Discussion of whether the current timeline to review proposals is sufficient – currently due by February 2nd.
i. ii. Gerri Smally was concerned that persons that missed the January 2nd meeting don’t know about the opportunity
Syrus Razavi motioned to make first drafts due on March 1st. Board members voted yes, Nicole Dungee abstained.
b. Discussion of whether a committee should review proposals prior to presentation to the community
i. Concern about whether community members would be hesitant to submit proposals to a committee – we need to make sure this is seen as a fair process.
ii. Nicole Dungee made decision to not have a review committee and that proposals should be presented to the community directly.
iii. Bill Reuter motioned to have proposals be presented directly to the community.
iv. Five (5) voted to support motion, Two (2) voted no. 2 abstained
9. Other
a. Deb O’Neil requested that Architectural Review Committee outcomes be posted to community website. Bill Reuter will set up database and work with Paul Rubenson on this.
b. We should think of ideas for speakers for future community meetings.
10. Paul Rubenson moved to adjourn meeting. Bill Reuter seconded.
Syrus Ravazi
Julia Lebherz
Gerri Salley
Billy Hufnell
Maia Tatinclaux
Nicole Dungee
Bill Reuter
Paul Rubenson
Sidas Saulynas
Julia Dumont
James Wright
Warren Dungee
Dana Coyne
Deb O’Neil