January 2024 Community Meeting

Type of meeting: 
Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 2, 2025

1. Request for community support for two variances required for redevelopment of the Oyster House

Chase Hoffberger – assisting with variance and zoning process
Ben Garner – Oyster House Developer

Two variances are needed for rezoning of Oyster House from Industrial Mixed Use to IMU-1. Surrounding buildings are residential, R-8.  Zoning calls for off street parking for each dwelling unit (9 are being developed) and 60% of ground floor must be nonresidential and not parking – like a coffee shop, etc.  Variances are needed to allow for reduced off street parking requirements and to use the ground floor to be 0% nonresidential and non-parking.  

Commercial space has limited economic appeal because it is hard to access from main streets – might not be viable to find a commercial tenant.

There are two spots for parking on the ground floor, but building design does not allow for more parking.

Discussion about whether tenants can obtain residential parking permits – association members thought not. Oyster House would not be part of RPP program, so spaces directly in front and back would be open parking.  

Building has been vacant for about 25 years and exposed to the elements.  This is third attempt to redevelop the property, and there may not be further opportunities.

Julia Lebherz motioned to for the association to provide a letter of support, Paul Koprowski seconded.  Motion was passed – 17+ yes votes.

2. 2024 Finance Report Billy Hufnell – Treasurer

New budget has been started.  

2024 had a beginning balance of $9,783.70 and ended with a balance of $9,370.62.  

Holiday party was attended by 84 neighbors, costing a net $270.  

Primary sources of income are the Gala and Holiday Party.  The balance in the account is primarily from past grants.  

Request was made for formal financial report to be prepared and approved according to bylaws.  Expenses should be reviewed to determine how expenditures can be improved.  Billy Hufnell has a detailed report and will look into how to distribute to association members.

Question about members of Finance Committee – the committee includes the Treasurer, plus two appointed persons.  We need to establish committee for 2025.  Treasurer is always on the committee but never the Chairperson.

3. Request for Community Support for Opening Day Event at Quigley’s Half-Irish Pub

James Quigley, Owner of Quigley’s Half-Irish Pub, requested a community support letter for his request to the City for Portland Street to be closed on Opening Day for the Orioles, March 31st only.  

Question about whether the Babe Ruth Museum had made a request to close Emory Street.  They have not yet requested, but it is anticipated.  

The request for Quigley’s Half-Irish Pub is being made earlier this year at a community meeting. In past years the request had been made at a later time and was reviewed and approved by the Board, only.   Question about ability for emergency vehicles to get past the closure – Quigley answered that there is room to get past the bandstand for emergency vehicles.  

Question about whether this request had to be voted on at this meeting or could it wait until February meeting.  Group decided to vote on this issue in this meeting.   Chuck Dohrman motioned to approve the community support letter.  Julia Lebherz seconded the motion.  Motion was passed.

4. Seeking proposals for $10,000 community award provided by Councilwoman Phylicia Porter’s office

Community award received from Councilwoman’s office – money is designated for operating expenses for the Association and can be used for projects of benefit to the neighborhood (for example, neighborhood beautification, historic preservation, playground maintenance, diversity initiatives, etc.).  There is no deadline for spending this money, but its best for the neighborhood to be spent promptly.

Association is looking for input from the community and is accepting requests for proposals until February 2, 2025.  The proposal should be specific with an itemized list of expenses, timeframe, a detailed explanation of purpose/goals of project and how the project will benefit the neighborhood.  

Proposals should be sent to president@ridgelysdelight.org.

Committee is being formed to review proposals prior to a community vote.  Committee will include representatives from all streets/areas in the neighborhood.  The following persons will be on the committee: James Wright (co-chair), Gerri Salley (co-chair), Julia Lebherz, Gail Gottlieb, and Deb O’Neill.  Additional volunteers for this committee are welcome – please send email to president@ridgelysdelight.org.  

The committee will define specific guidelines for reviewing proposals in preparation for presentation to the community.  The committee will not make any selection of any proposal over another.

During February the review committee will review all proposals and to ensure all pertinent information has been gathered and included, so that each request is complete at the time it is presented at the March 2025 community meeting.

5. 2025 Committee Formation 2025 committees are being formed.  

The following committees are required by bylaws: Finance, Membership, Architectural Review, and Nominating committees.  Also, there can be new committees added or reactivated, such as Beautification, Parking, or other needs.  

Email president@ridgelysdelight.org to volunteer for a committee or request an additional committee.  

6. Paul Rubenson motioned to adjourn meeting.  James Wright seconded the motion.