May 2024 Community Meeting

Type of meeting: 
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
  1. Bill Ferguson – President of MD Senate, District 46

  2. Dealt with collapse of Key Bridge – had a great response from the governor and president – expect a 45-channel in the next few weeks and a 60-ft channel to be open in the next couple of months. Also passed the Port Act to provide assistance to families affected by the port closure.

  3. Passed a balanced budget that was $1 billion less than previous budget. No increases in sales or income taxes.

  4. Public safety – young people account for 7% of crime in the state. Passed Juvenile Justice Reform Act. Focused on Auto thefts, fire arm use, severe animal abuse. Have “wrap-around” programs to address all facets of crime by youths. There has been much better coordination between state and local officials in the last year.

  5. Invested in new home construction to help increase supply of housing. Working on rehabilitating vacant housing.

    1. Question about housing taxes – mostly due to higher valuations bc of market forces, lack of supply – has to do with inflation – if you have a question or want to appeal, can send to Bill Ferguson’s office – Tyler is the district director

    2. Question about development around Camden Yards – what’s happening? New owner wants to explore what a development could look like. No deal can be agreed upon until the new owner proposes a plan and gets it approved. This will follow process including public comment. Area under discussion is the warehouse and Camden station. There will be neighborhood engagement.

    3. Comment about juvenile reform bill and abuse of animals – thank you! Evidence shows that animal abuse is an indicator of future criminal behavior.

    4. Comment – how do we change the narrative in Bmore and Annapolis about youth in Baltimore and show case the great things that are happening at Baltimore City public schools? Nicole suggested getting folks from Annapolis to come to school events.

  6. Samantha Rose – from Middle Branch Project – senior restoration manager at SBGP

    1. Goal is to restore the waterfront of the middle branch instead of it being a forgotten waterfront.

    2. Starting construction on first site at Hanover St wetlands – just south of Medstar harbor hospital. Want to connect south Baltimore “neighborhood islands” restore connections between these neighborhoods and to downtown and to natural areas such as the waterfront.

    3. Project will span from Brooklyn in the south, up by the harbor hospital, around middle branch park, and north around Westport, and then around BGE spring gardens and Ridgely’s Cove – this will protect power infrastructure.

    4. Question about the bicycle path that goes by the Westport light rail station  which currently is unsafe – this portion of the trail network is under design – they are working with Westport community and City so there is space for cars, pedestrians, and bikes. Will the swing bridge be incorporated? There is a discussion of how to provide a pedestrian bridge between Westport and Port Covington – still in an evaluation phase. The swing bridge is owned by CSX and can’t be used.

    5. Question about Hanover street bridge and pedestrian access? The City has a grant application in with US DOT to first address structural concerns with bridge. However, there is a plan in place to add a pedestrian and bike lane to existing span – not part of this project.

  7. Old business:

    1. Sandy’s grant to SBGP for mural on Russell Street was approved!

    2. Thanks to all who participated in the Mayor’s cleanup!

    3. Community Dumpster is May 25th – if you have stuff you need help moving, email

    4. Friday HH at Section 771

    5. Minutes from April meeting approved

  8. New business: public comment

    1. ARC met with owners of Oyster house – no plans yet, 8 units with 3 parking inside, no changes to outer envelope of building, applying for many historic grants, planning to restore original wood windows. ARC invited them to present drawings to the community when they have them. 

    2. Asked to publish where to donate to people impacted by bridge collapse – was posted on Facebook. Councilwoman Porter provided suggestions.

  9. Meeting adjourned at 7:46


Nicole Dungee
Sy Saulynas
Paul Koprowski
Maia Tatinclaux
Paige Kelly
Billy Huffnell|
Julie Dumont
Michael Dumont
Julia Lebherz
Ivan Rubensen
Paul Rubensen
Sharon Reuter
Bill Reuter
Gerri Salley
Syrus Razavi
Susan Clayton
Rachel Abbots
Clare Elliott
Chris Conlon