February Community Meeting

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 - 7:00pm

There will be an online community meeting on Wednesday, January 5, at 7 pm.

Anyone who lives, works, or owns property in Ridgely’s Delight is welcome. Log into the Zoom meeting using https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkd-6orz4oHNQaLvDA3-NmwGQ8tLc-7WDj


Approval of 1/5/2022 meeting minutes (3 min)

Welcome - Bobby Goodfellow (2 min) 

Baltimore Police Department Report - Officer Owens (3 minutes)

Guest Speaker - Odessa Phillip with the Reimagine Middle Branch Initiative  (5 minutes)

January Recap - Bobby Goodfellow (3 minutes)

ARC Report - Paul Rubenson ARC Chair (5 minutes)
January approvals / denials

Tot Lot Report - Molly Goodfellow (5 minutes)

 ***Community Cleanup & Dumpster 2/19/2022 at 9 am, meet at the Burgundy Street shed***

New Business: All new business will have a 5 minute discussion maximum at which point it will be acted upon or tabled and added to the next agenda.