2019 Parking Authority Study
In the late Fall of 2018, the Parking Authority of Baltimore City (PABC) received a request from Councilman Eric Costello’s office, in coordination with the Ridgely’s Delight neighborhood, to conduct a parking study in the neighborhood. Ridgely’s Delight, which has some urban village characteristics like being medium density, mixed-use, and readily distinguishable, is located among several major parking generators, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, the University of Maryland Medical Center, the University of Maryland Baltimore and Downtown offices and businesses. It also has regulated on-street parking through Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Area 5 – Ridgely’s Delight. The tight urban fabric of this community; which features narrow frontage rowhouses, a number of one-way streets with parking on one side of the street, and limited alley access often precluding vehicular access, makes this a unique opportunity to consider the parking environment – it’s supply and demand; the current appropriateness of the parking regulations; and possible options, solutions, and tools.
The need for this baseline parking study was further hastened by the soon-to-be initiated Virtual Permit Parking (VPP) pilot program in the neighborhood. This program will provide an additional parking management tool in this high demand, low supply on-street parking environment. With these conditions, the PABC identified this parking study request as compelling and urgent and agreed to study the Ridgely’s Delight parking environment in the Winter and Spring of 2019.
Parking Restrictions
Parking restrictions are in force Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and midnight in all
signed blocks in Ridgely's Delight. Cars without permits may park for up to two hours except on
days of stadium events.
Street Sweeping
The City has a mechanical street sweeping program designed to reduce trash on our streets and pollution and waste that goes into our urban streams and the Inner Harbor.
Beginning March 2015, parking is prohibited from 8 a.m. to noon:
You must park on the other side of the street on sweeping days or you will be ticketed.
Street sweepers do not operate on City holidays and during snow emergencies. Traffic signs are subject to enforcement by any agent with the power to do so, including Baltimore Police. Therefore, use caution when parking in areas subject to enforcement at any time and under any circumstances.
Parking Permits/Passes Expire June 30
As the renewal date approaches, you can visit this page to learn how to renew your permits and visitor's pass for the coming year.
Resident Permits (Windshield Decals)
Residents of Ridgely's Delight may purchase annual permits (windshield decals) from the City's Residential Parking Permit (RPP) office at 200 W. Lombard St.
Vehicles must be registered to a Ridgely's Delight address (Maryland Vehicle Registration) with the following exceptions:
Permit expiration date: June 30; new permits must be displayed by July 1 of each year (may be displayed upon receipt)
Fee: $20.00 for each annual permit (decal) for up to four vehicles per legal household.
Visitor Permits: (Dashboard Cards)
Each household is eligible for one visitor permit at $20.00.
Visitor permits are not to be used as a substitute for a $20.00 residential parking pass decal and are not to be sold or lent out on a regular basis. Abuse of visitor permits can lead to their confiscation.
How to Get a New Permit and/or Visitor Pass
If you have never had a permit or visitor's pass, you must go to the RPP office at 200 W. Lombard St. Be sure to bring the documetation listed below and payment in the form of debit or credit card or check or money order made payable to "Director of Finance."
How to Get Your Annual Permit (Renewal) and Visitor Pass
Short-term (30-60 days) Temporary Permits
Temporary permits are available for vehicles that will be parked in Ridgely's Delight for fewer than six months. Call the Residential Parking division at 443-573-2800 for more information.
Residents may obtain up to four one-day guest passes for non-stadium event days. There is no charge for the passes. They are available at the office of the Parking Authority of Baltimore City Residential Parking Permit section, 200 W. Lombard St. Be sure to bring proof of residence.
Documentation Needed for Parking Permits:
For Windshield Decals and Visitor Passes:
Special Categories:
Where to Get a Motor Vehicle Non-Resident Permit
Parking Authority Office
200 W. Lombard Street, Suite B
Baltimore, MD 21201
443-573-2800, extensions 863, 845, or 851.
Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Please park at the Arena Garage, entrance at 99 S. Howard Street, for free validation.
2018 Neighborhood Parking Survey results
Data Analysis
Data & Comments spreadsheet
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Photos ©Joanne Drummond. All rights reserved. Reproduction or downloading without permission is prohibited and is a violation of federal law.