Ridgely's Delight, Baltimore



photo of best garden sign





photo of flowers





photo of Farnham memorial

Adopt a Garden Competition

Is your green thumb itching for spring? Then it's time for you to start planning to participate in the Fourth Ridgely’s Delight Adopt a Garden competition, which will run from 1 June to 30 Sept. Nine unique green spaces are up for adoption within Ridgely’s Delight, just waiting for your creative touch. 


Would you like to nurture fragrant roses in our memorial garden or just water and weed our newest gardens in the tot lot? You can choose from a variety of spaces ranging from large pocket gardens to street corner planters.



First Prize: bragging rights for a full year to include “The Best Garden in Ridgely’s Delight” sign at your garden and photos on our website and social media pages

Second Prize: photos on our website and social media pages


Everyone who participates will be acknowledged on our website and social media pages for your kind donation of time and hard work.


Materials Available

You can provide your own plants, soil, or mulch and/or request reimbursement for up to $50 from the neighborhood association. You can also take advantage of our community tools and water stations strategically placed throughout the neighborhood. 


The Rules

  1. Download a map of the garden locations and review the details on each one.
  2. Sign up for your favorite space at the May community meeting, which will be held upstairs at Sliders on 3 May at 7 p.m., or contact Maggie at editor@ridgelysdelight.org.
  3. Maintain your garden throughout the competition period as we will judge the best gardens each month. The winner will be the garden with the highest total of first place votes from all months combined.
  4. Neighbors can team up to work on a garden. In fact, it's encouraged so that you will have a back-up to maintain your space should you have to go out of town.

Garden Locations

  1. The new tot lot gardens Adopted
  2. Washington and Russell, north corner Adopted
  3. Washington and Russell, south corner Adopted
  4. Eislen and Russell Adopted
  5. Gateway Garden at Fremont and Penn Adopted
  6. Washington and MLK, north corner Adopted
  7. Washington and MLK, south corner Adopted
  8. Cool Breeze Garden at the Warner lot Adopted
  9. Farnham Memorial, Conway Park Adopted


Contact editor@ridgelysdelight.org for more information.





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Photos ©Joanne Drummond. All rights reserved. Reproduction or downloading without permission is prohibited and is a violation of federal law.

